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Modern effects of life in Islam

Most of the modern women these days find people with beard attractive. They are attracted towards someone's cool appearance, cheap attitude, slang ways, showing-off and staring eyes. This is another form of immorality. It's in our nature to get attracted towards the opposite gender at some level, but we are asked to defy it and control ourselves. Finding interest in someone, like stated above, is not supported by Islam either. Eye is the first victim of a sin. You initiate the process from your eye and then mind. It leads to further devastation. Men used to be blamed all the time for staring women, but now, everyone is equally involved. It's like an open competition. Even the married couples are into this. When you stare someone, God knows what evil comes into your mind that moment. Isn't it another form of cheating on your spouse, except that both are into it.
In your youth, you may have a natural habit to feel free and enjoy what you desire. But very soon, you will start wanting a measured life with boundaries. You can't live the same state forever. You will get old, you will recognize your mistakes. But our frequent actions become our addiction. If we won't stop it now, it may never stop in the future. The decency is considered a weakness too these days. But actually, it's the element of a muslim's personality. If someone can't talk to a person of the opposite gender or can't sit in front of them, it's not weakness, it's a sign of strength; that even in this immoral world you keep yourself away from sinning. This hesitation is called "haya". Most of the people who will get to read this are actually doing these things. For them, there is nothing wrong with these acts. Don't compromise that much for a little joy of few days. Don't be rogue. Every action will have a consequence.
The more you compromise on your morals and character, the more you will go away from Allah and lose faith. It's never too late to save yourself. But the future isn't guaranteed, whatever you intend to do, you must do it right now. These are not little actions, when you stare someone, you make them realize your intentions towards them. Imagine a married person staring another married person of the opposite gender, it's disgusting. Hence, these things are not part of Islam too. Islam asks its followers to abide by the laws to safeguard their souls and minds. Keeping a distance from the opposite gender (na-mehrams), tightening your attitude, controlling your urge to sin, protecting your dignity, saving your voice to be heard by others, covering yourself from other bodies, keeping yourself simple in attitude and appearance; this is how you can save yourself.
Know that if Allah is happy with you, you may get sad and worried in your life, but you will be protected from the harm by evil. Allah will always show you the path to righteousness. This must be our belief and relief. We must keep faith in Allah Almighty for His power, blessings, strength, protection, wisdom and qualities. The most sincerest person to us is our Creator, God, but are we sincere to Him as He deserves? If you are loyal to a human but can't be loyal to your God, you are at stake. Don't risk too much. Everyone who sins must have had compromised on their conscience first, without doing that they can't satisfy their inside. They can never talk to God, because they know that they're wrong and there is no way to justify their actions. So, they run away from the reality and start suffocating without any apparent cause very soon. They don't understand why their lives start becoming too difficult to absorb, the truth is, at some level, they understand but don't want to accept.
Your evil nature will try to rise everyday, but your consciousness will try to warn you so you could prevent yourself. If you sin once and continue sinning by thinking that you've lost yourself by sinning the first time, you are wrong. Why were you not tormented the very moment you sinned? You have been given time. So, when you sin, intentionally or unintentionally, you could repent. Many people who will read this are going to compromise again. They are going to tell themselves that it's all okay and they have nothing to worry about. But deep inside, they know how wrong they are. Every science, in one way or another, leads you towards the reality; only if you don't let your ego interfere. Allah has added His presence everywhere, we only need to focus. There's no thing like "best of luck". You have only your actions, intentions, fate and Allah's blessings to decide your life and journey. So, may we all get the opportunity to repent and correct ourselves. Salam and Peace.

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