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Articles & Writings

  1. Education in Islam 
  2. Love in Islam 
  3. Is Music halal or haram in Islam? 
  4. Hardtimes in Life 
  5. True meaning of Liberty and Freedom 
  6. What Islam asks us?
  7. What Islam said about Jihaad?
  8. The World is just a Deception 
  9. Black Magic : Quranic Reference 
  10. A very Important Note for those women who do use Internet 
  11. Encouragement and Appreciation 
  12. Love Selection : Islamic Point 
  13. Propaganda against Muslims 
  14. Importance of Quran  
  15. We need to feel our Sins and Think 
  16. Responsibility as a Muslim 
  17. I wrote what came in my mind 
  18. Morality lessons required Badly  
  19. Life of a victim in our Society 
  20. Modernity ruined us Badly  
  21. Internet Youth  
  22. Media Propaganda 
  23. Life of a Positive Person 
  24. Women are not an Object 
  25. Quran is such a blessing and gift 
  26. Let's write something 
  27. Few things to share with you
  28. Society Labels
  29. What I want
  30. We don't actually think
  31. Life tangled  
  32. Technology controls us 
  33. How to stop being judged by someone
  34. Why is there Mac in my name?  
  35. Equality between genders  
  36. Peace and Justice in this world 
  37. Love these days 
  38. Another sad incident occurred 
  39. Responsibility as a human  
  40. A personal writing  
  41. A war is coming for us  
  42. Society is brainwashing us  
  43. Independence day of Pakistan 
  44. Consequences of loneliness
  45. Brotherhood and Humanity 
  46. Reason of depravity in society 
  47. Let's clear some doubts about Islam
  48. The escape from reality
  49. Equal rights for women
  50. Addiction of masturbation and pornography 
  51. Every Muslim Must Preach 
  52. Life of a Muslim 
  53. Coronavirus Outbreak 

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