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Emerging Ummah
Picture taken from @emerging.ummah

"Emerging Ummah" is a Muslim community organization, news/media agency and project. Our mission is to enrich individuals, youth and families by spreading reality of things against ignorance. Our top priority is to unite the ummah at one platform. Another main reason of establishing this community is to provide self inspired people a common platform so that they motivate others. 

We're going to tell the whole world what's Islam in reality. We're also going to establish donation system for spreading the cause forward and to make it global. We shall answer your questions and share your stories with people for sharing awareness and for giving motivational spirits to ummah. We shan't just share religious but also stuff of other genre like humor and daily life movements. We'll also cover up many other related things, a lot more will come by time Insha-Allah. 

For sending us your suggestions, questions, inquiries, feedback, information etc email at: 

